Sunday, May 12, 2013

180 in 180 Day 16

Hey Ya'll,
I hope everyone is having a lovely Mother's Day. Whether you are a mother or you are just celebrating the mother figure in your life. Beautiful meals and peaceful moments should abound today. My munchkin made an attempt at creating a vegan breakfast for me, she was rather inventive since I still needed to do the grocery shopping for the week. I made myself a fresh green juice, went shopping by myself (no one rushing me through the store YAY!) did some minor meal prep and had stir fry peanut noodles for lunch. Note to self: no tofu in the noodles next time.
Thai peanut noodles with Tofu

Pouring up my green juice concoction

Collard Greens, Cucumber, Green Apples,  Pink Lady Apples, Ginger, and Lemon

My vegan Mother's Day breakfast: Avocado, Tomato, Tortilla Chips, a Pickle, and homemade "Lemonade"

Sundays in general tend to be a "Get yourself together girl" kind of day. I guess with a new full week I have to have all my faculties about me in order to survive. Well here's to surviving your week and maybe even enjoying it.
Peace & Namaste Ya'll

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