Thursday, January 27, 2011

Too Much Bad News

So I'm just as optimistic as the next person,
I'm a firm believe that The Most High wants what's best for all of us and if we just adhere to His will and His plan then we shall receive greatness. Now that's not to say that we will never encounter hard times, quite the opposite actually. The more you do right the more the enemy will try to tear you down and have you doubt His will and travel along the wrong path. So I do my best to let go and let The Divine take the wheel to my life. But as a mere mortal there's only so much bad news one person can handle at a stage in life. My poor husband just keeps getting No after No after NO from each of these seemingly promising interviews he's been going on. There's really only been one interview that he's had where I felt something good was supposed to come out of it and then eh ended up not being selected. All of the others have just sort of been a going through motions sort of thing. But to be honest, it seems as though the one interview that I honestly thought something would develop has poked its head out at us once again. They've called about a different role that they felt my husband might be a nice fit for. I just don't know how to keep my husband encouraged and in a positive head space. He's on the verge of giving up emotionally and our family  CANNOT handle that EVER AGAIN. It will the demise of entire life as a functioning unit and we literally just got ourselves back on track as a family. Either our Divine no longer wants us together or He is really wanting to test our endurance. All I can say is at this point I'm honestly not certain how much more I can take. It's been literally YEARS that I've been working on keeping this family together,  most of those years I worked on it all alone, and now that my counterpart is putting in work with me it's just as hard as it was when I was working alone at it *Le sigh*
Okay pity party over,
I know in my heart that we have not been forsaken and our lives are meant to be comfortable and that the comfort is coming around the corner very very very soon. My husband will have a job that ignites a career he will love, with a company he believes in, with co-workers he connects with, a schedule that fits our lifestyle wonderfully, with pay that is AT LEAST 2.5 times what his temp job is currently paying him, and he will be signing his paperwork for this position within the next 30 days. Thank you Almighty!
And thank you all for let my release and claim our greatness on here. Namaste

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Loving Life.....But ready for the better to come

Just giving a check-in,
I'm loving getting to touch my feet and hands to my mat 3-4 times a week again, I think I've already found one of my favorite instructors. But I can't really say just yet because I've only encountered 4 different instructors so far and there are literally something like a dozen who work there :-) But of the 4 there are 2 that I absolutely love. The other 2 are still great as well, as with anything, each person connects differently to different people. Hence why there are so many instructors with different styles. Now I've really begun to get into a groove physically with my practice again and I haven't been happier in what seems like years. Now as my body begins to awaken and my spirit begins to stretch my eating habits are having to be adjusted. Fortunately when I touch my mat I'm on a yoga high for the rest of the day and actually WANT to eat better (and eat less). You see in general, I don't really eat poorly I tend to eat too much. When practicing yoga you want to feel light and free not heavy and overly  full. So as I reconnect with my "Zen" I am rescaling my "Tasting" *shrug* maybe I'll start posting my meals for everyone to see how my meals become more practice friendly.
On a side note, for those of you who believe in a higher power our family could really use some prayer. We know that The Most High has better in store for us, we just are really in need of it to come to fruition now. My husband was laid off from a major corporation this time last year and has yet to find a permanent job. For the past few months he's been working in a temporary position that does not pay quite enough for us to cover all of our family's positions even with me working full-time at a job that pays better than any job I've ever held. I know in my heart of hearts that the hubby's job is peeking right around the corner and that in the next couple of weeks he will be suiting up to take part in his new and loved career. I thank you in advance for asking your Divine to move us along into our better life.
Peace and Love,

Friday, January 21, 2011

More Difficult Than Expected

Good Morning,
Getting back into the groove of regular yoga classes has been more of a challenge than I expected. My very first class I was up at 5:15 out the door at 5:40 for a 6:00am sunrise class. BUT, the instructor for that morning has some complications and did not arrive. I was a bit sad about but the owner of the studio and the instructor of the class both called me to apologize for the mishap and I felt that this was genuinely a fluke and that they truly wanted to make it up to me. So instead I went to an evening class for my first official session the class was called Yin-Yoga. I really enjoyed the energy of the instructor. She was very serene yet humorous and in tune with the personal physical concerns each of us were having that night with ourselves. She provided the most amazing personal touch adjustments and alignments to our poses. I LOVED HER! The next morning I ventured out for another 6:00am sunrise Vinyasa, and boy oh boy was it worth it!!! I got a good great sweat going and this instructor provided a couple of nice physical adjustments as well, I'm really loving the smaller classes that allow for the more personal instruction because my body remembers better what it is supposed to be doing when it's gently guided into proper position, rather than sometimes in being given verbal cues. I can work from verbal cues, but the physical adjustments are my favorite. This week my work schedule and family schedule haven't been exactly what I've need to get in all the classes I would like....but such is life LOL I am determined to place my body on my mat in a class at least 3 times a week. I would be infinitely happy if I could manage 5 times a week, but I am more than sure that will happen on rare occasions. Either way I am so ecstatic to be back on my mat. Hmm maybe one day I'll venture into a teaching phase and further my practice to share with others. But until then I shall enjoy learning AND rebuilding my body. Till next time.......Namaste

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sacred Streams

Well all, I think I'm in love. I has my introduction personal session this morning and enjoyed myself SO MUCH. There was all the personalized attention, adjustments, and guidance that I've been craving for months. I'm still concerned about how I'm going to afford the classes after this first month....but I know HE will make a way for me to make it happen. Because I need this in my life. I need the physical and spiritual growth and healing that yoga gives to me.
Oh yea,
I'm pretty sure I'm being given a promotion at work!!! I'm not sure how much of a pay increase it will be, but watch it turns out to be enough to cover my yoga practice. AND my husband keeps getting calls for interviews now, so it's just a matter of time before one of these companies falls in love with him (like I have) and hires him.......A way shall always be made for the believers. :-)

Ok, I haven't decided if I will go to class tomorrow afternoon, but I KNOW I will be there Friday morning before work. So excited to be practicing with an instructor again!! Now it's time for me to begin breaking out my cookbooks again. I need to go back to weekly menu planning and prepping my ingredients so I that can move back to a predominately plant-based whole foods diet. Eating in a zen-like manner tends to fall into place when I'm living and practicing a zen-like life. Life is Beautiful. Peace be with you all.  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Starting my sessions Next week!!

Hey there,
So I received my phone call from the Yoga studio that I will be trying out as a new student. I go in for my personal session and "orientation" on Wednesday. I'll let you all know how it goes. Soooo, to prep myself mentally and physically I will be doing a cleanse. I'm starting my cleanse tomorrow (which is Saturday here) because I am off of work this weekend and the 1st two days of the cleanse are pretty intense. I am so excited to get my practice up off the ground and really guided by a practicing professional. The only thing that I am concerned about is being able to afford the class fees after my trail month is over. Right now, because my husband is still looking for permanent work (stupid corporate lay-offs suck) we are on a tight budget and $100 a month is way beyond my financial abilities. I pray that the Most High blesses us with this job that he interviewed for a couple of weeks ago. It would mean a lot to the whole family in many different ways (not just for me to be able to afford yoga) *shrug* Oh well worst case scenario I just go maybe once a week on a less expensive pass and practice at home in between classes. At least then I'll be guided weekly and encouraged. It will all work out, I know HE has a plan to make us better than what we are right now and I'm in a good place to be molded.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

In the spirit of bringing in new Blessings, new Opportunities, and a chance to make anything better  than it was the previous  year. I have started today in full positivity mode. I am speaking greatness into my family's lives for the entire year of 2011 from 1-1-11 through 12-31-11 and I fully intend to report every glorious milestone right here as we hit them.

For starters I've been learning a great deal about  transitioning  into a more vegetarian diet. And the link on the title of this post will lead you to a couple from Canada that are plant-based eaters who are very active/athletic. I recommend checking them out, if nothing else they have an interesting podcast.

Now, I haven't heard from the yoga studio yet that I linked you guys to in my last post. But I'm hoping that it's just because of the holidays and that I hear from them this week to schedule my first class visit and check them out. I will definitely share how my experience with them turns out.

Maybe if anyone is out there you can share with me what you plan to accomplish in 2011. We can help keep each other going. HAPPY NEW YEAR/PROSPERO ANO!!!