Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

In the spirit of bringing in new Blessings, new Opportunities, and a chance to make anything better  than it was the previous  year. I have started today in full positivity mode. I am speaking greatness into my family's lives for the entire year of 2011 from 1-1-11 through 12-31-11 and I fully intend to report every glorious milestone right here as we hit them.

For starters I've been learning a great deal about  transitioning  into a more vegetarian diet. And the link on the title of this post will lead you to a couple from Canada that are plant-based eaters who are very active/athletic. I recommend checking them out, if nothing else they have an interesting podcast.

Now, I haven't heard from the yoga studio yet that I linked you guys to in my last post. But I'm hoping that it's just because of the holidays and that I hear from them this week to schedule my first class visit and check them out. I will definitely share how my experience with them turns out.

Maybe if anyone is out there you can share with me what you plan to accomplish in 2011. We can help keep each other going. HAPPY NEW YEAR/PROSPERO ANO!!!

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