Monday, December 27, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

So I signed up as a new student at a local yoga studio. The place appears to be very much what I'm looking for, and I'm extremely hopefully that I will find an instructor there that I connect with. I am also extremely hopefully that after my Special 1st Month Rate is over I will be able to afford to continue studying there. Grated $100/month for a personalized yoga practice isn't much to ask figuratively; it is quite a bit when it has to come out of your already deflated pockets. But, I am a firm believer that The Most High will provide a way for the things that you need in your life. At this point I am in serious need of my practice evolving and growing (not to mention in need of my waistline shrinking) LOL
In news of my food habits, I've decided to less the Flex in my relatively Flexitarian lifestyle. I am aiming to reduce my animal consumption down to twice a week. This is a HUGE move for a Black Texan whose entire family is from the South. Where meat is a meal and vegetables are an afterthought, and only because we figure SOMETHING that isn't brown should be thrown onto the plate.....smh. I've always been a bit of an odd bird in my family. My Poppa calls me a "fake vegan" in a teasing fashion. The only thing about that statement's kind of true. I don't have the dedication, conviction, or ethical commitment to be completely vegan. Though I have gone vegetarian a number of times in my life. It seems that illustrious yard bird (the chicken) manages to always lure me back in. Especially when in fried form. And the next thing I know I'm more carnivore than omnivore, and definitely less herbivore than I should be. So the goal for 2011 is to amp up my herbivore side and stay focused. I think because my primary causes are health and ecologically based it becomes a little simpler to backslide. But over the years (especially this past year with the various personal crises) I've grown much more grounded and convicted in my beliefs.
Hopefully those of you looking to make a change in the New Year and leave behind less than stellar experiences in 2010 are able to do so on both accounts. I extend Blessings out to each of you in the New Year......See you then! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Doing Well But Falling Behind

Well I'm more than sure no one is out there anymore (if there ever was anyone lurking) especially since I've been taking months in between each post.....My Bad. Apparently Mommy is not allowed to have a hobby or side interest unless she's able to complete it before anyone else in the house wakes up. *shrug* Oh well, I've also been completely slacking on my open mat journey. I think I'm just feeling stuck and unable to progress adequately in my practice without at least a weekly classes with an instructor. But I may have an idea for rejuvenating my home practice. I found a wonderful Primary Ashtanga Posture poster and I hope to pick one up for myself as a Christmas gift to me :-) LOL and hopefully if I hang it up in the right spot I will be more encouraged to practice everyday, even if for a short time. I've also decided to add to my open mat journey by adjusting my diet to guide me to greater enlightenment. I intend to do 365 days of gradual change. Hmm, but first I must create my parameters so that I progress consistently, steadily, and painlessly. (Theoretically) Once I've made all of my guidelines for myself I will begin. Most likely it will be a classic New Year's "new beginning" type project. I'll need a few new books (Yay an excuse to buy more books!) *happy dance* :-)

P.S. the new job has been going really well. I enjoy the people I work with. I've been getting tons of OT lately, but we hired some extra staff so the OT will be going away soon. (no biggie) and I have another supervisor whom I enjoy working with. This is literally one of the best jobs I've ever had. And yes, I'm still investigating the new career path option. I still have not made a definite move in the direction to say yay or nay to my new idea. But I'm still actively researching the subject. Thank you to those who may peek in on me  from time to time. I aim to write my regularly. For now, Good Night Ya'll.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big Wins!

Hello out there.....So I've been M.I.A. for awhile now and it's due to a number of things. My open mat journey has had it's ups and downs but ultimately I'm really hoping to be able to afford and attend a class on a regular basis very soon. I'm not holding my breath though so I must continue to practice at home. I do have some great news.....I found a job. My title will Reproductive Health Specialist (but where is going to stay with me *wink*) I'm extremely excited because I have been hunting for a job for a year now, and I have been hunting for a job in my field of study for 4 years now and this position brings an end to both searches. Wooo Hooo!! So now that I have a job I get to start planning how to advance my career...and guess what I'm creating a new 10 year plan and this time it involves options that I honestly feel will actually leave me feeling fulfilled and happy. I'm already being the research process and I expect to begin the program study within the next 18 months. I figure that gives us time to save money for both a home and my tuition and fees. I'm making connections with women in the industry and plan to expand my professional networks as far as they can reach. I'm trying not to verbalize my desires just yet because it seems as though every time I get a bit excited about personal possibilities I discover something that just doesn't quite suit me and must announce that I will not be completing the process. So I am in the preliminary stages of something I find very intriguing and if it pans out the way I believe it might, I will share with the world what I am choosing "To be when I grow up" *joy* :-)
I'm feeling great these days and I am so grateful to The Most High and the opportunities I've had in meeting new people and having new experiences. I hope that whomever is out there maybe reading this is able to take away some of the positive energy that I am feeding into this post. With much love to you all....Peace & Namaste 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Open Mat Journey- Found Help

Well, a little help at least..............
So I've finally found a video podcast on iTunes that is an hour long. I was so super excited. LOL The cast is by Dr.. Melissa West and so far it's pretty good. My only complaint is that she caters to the beginners, so there are no flow episodes yet. Everything is very deliberate, she holds the poses for quite a long time. Which if I am not mistaken is what Hatha Yoga is primarily? Then again it could be any of the dozens of other forms of yoga that I am not yet familiar with, so please don't look for answers here just yet LOL. Dr. West makes the podcast a bit more personal, to me at least, by not being afraid to laugh while she's filming. She laughs quite often which helps to relieve some of the tension that can build from trying to focus so hard on "succeeding" in a pose. So I've done two consecutive days of her podcast, but I'm really jonesing for a good class. I like getting dressed to leave the house and lay my mat down in a room dedicated to the activity I'm taking part in, and being surrounded by like minded people, oh and not being interrupted by my family. God knows I love them, but why is it so hard to get just an hour of peace a day without having to wake up at 5:00am? Oh well school will be back in session very soon, so I'll have to create a specialized schedule anyway. Now if only I can find a job that I will love taking part in and that will have good pay, benefits, and a decent schedule that will allow for ample mat time, life will be complete. LOL Off to hunt for the elusive job. Namaste 8o)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Open Mat Journey - Absence

Hey Ya'll,
I know I've been MIA for about a week.Over the weekend I was out of town for an international convention. And through this week I simply kept meaning to get on here but never seemed to make it. There have been a couple days where I missed moving through even a handful of poses, but for the most part I succeeded in moving and opening my mat. Even on Saturday while out of town I stretched and strengthened. I didn't have my mat with me, so I was exceptionally proud of myself. Plus pushing through a Down Dog was  the best thing I could have done at the time for my aching lower back. I'm still nursing this "skating injury" LOL My wrist/hand is nearly as tender has it had been previously,  but my lower back is still very much out of whack. Not as badly as it had been originally, but still rather continuously uncomfortable. I've started rising early again, and it's great, I'm able to open the mat before anyone is even thinking about setting foot on the floor from the bed. That's the way I like it. I'm able to focus and breath and move and remember what to do next. When everyone is awake and moving about I can't quiet my mind. But, I'm going to have to start training myself to wake up even earlier pretty soon because school starts in a few shorts weeks here and my child will be awake and moving at the 6:30 (which is the time I'm waking up right now) Goodness, that's going to be hard for me, I've always had a bit of a mental block in regards to being able to rise from the bed before the clock says 5:45am. I don't know what it is LOL......I'll have to start working on it Monday, which is when the little one will have to return to hitting the hay early and waking up early to prepare her body for school hours.

Oh yea........I'm supposed to be scheduling an interview with a company I've LOVED for years now!! I'm so excited, I hope I don't blow this. AND I truly pray that When I'm offered this job we can move and my husband will find a better job that suits his personality, or lifestyle, and our financial needs. Amen. Okay, I feel better know. I'm going to try and do better about making it here daily. Love You Guys (even though no one is here LOL)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 6 of the Open Mat Journey

Well, let's see, where to begin. Yesterday was an extremely emotionally draining day for me because of a number of very personal issues that arose. After hashing somethings out I was not up for much of anything, but had a practice to assist with late in the afternoon. Well I didn't get on my mat at home and in peace (because there wasn't really much of that going on around here anyway) But I did get in a few inversions and some meditation during an isolated segment at practice. It's strange sometimes I really do feel as though I must be invisible to people. I was able to get in full stretches and even a headstand and not a single person noticed. And it's not even as though I were off in a corner somewhere. Oh well, I'll just say they were all focused on doing what they were supposed to do "good job kids"! I didn't really do much else after that though, mostly because all I wanted to do was sleep.
I messed up my fast yesterday and had to start it officially today. It seems the guidelines I've given for myself are: no solid foods before 4:30 or after 9:30, no meats, no wheat, and no refined sugars. I'm not exactly sure why this is the fast I've created, to be honest I just pulled a bunch of thoughts out of the air that seemed to be fitting. I have a small addiction to wheat and sugar right now and I would like to break that, I have also notice that I eat way too much animal flesh these days. I feel as though I will be able to reconnect with my body and come back to appreciating food in a more positive and less desperate light. My goal is to make it through the month of July. But I am taking it one day at a time, if I can make it to Monday I will be proud of myself and feel quite accomplished.

Now, if I can just figure out what I really want to be "when I grow up" and find a dedicated center of control for losing this weight I'll be on happy lady. Hmm...........

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 4 and 5 of the Open Mat Journey

Yesterday (day 4) I was super duper late on opening my mat, I did two video podcasts one geared toward helping cyclists recharge (mostly because my legs were tight from the treadmill) then a moon flow. Because I got to my mat so late I decided today that I would simply leave my mat open in a space on the floor that was out of the way and provided enough space for me to more around. That worked out really well for me, I stepped on the mat and moved twice today for at least 20 minutes each time. And I've decided to begin my fast in the morning to aide me in my open mat journey. I haven't solidified a length of time for this cleanse simply because I want to take it one day at a time and live in each moment. Let's see how this goes....

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 3 of the Open Mat Journey

Technically I didn't really open my mat yesterday. But I did do quite a bit of moving on the floor, standing up, and in my chair. I had to focus my breathing a few times and clear my mind as if I were on my mat. So in my head I may as well have opened my mat. I think yesterday was just a really long day since we were all so from Saturday night. Go figure, and I didn't even drink, guess I'm just not used to being up and out so late. I think I'll for go the treadmill today, my legs are really tight, and spend an hour on my mat. That means 3 podcasts for me, let's see if my family will allow to have that time to myself in one continuous moment. Sounds like a challenge within a challenge to me Haha Be back later to let you know how that goes.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 2 of the Open Mat Journey

Yesterday I was motivated enough to hit the treadmill for 45 minutes. I even opened my mat for a solid 15 minutes after dinner. YAY ME!! I used my  iPod this time to help keep me focused. It's this video podcast called YogAmazing, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it just yet. The guy's teaching style is different from what I'm used to, but he's still kind  of inviting. We'll see how this goes. But I opened my mat for little longer AND That was while everyone was up moving around the place and asking "Why are you doing  yoga?" and "Mommy can I do it too?" My responses, "Because my body needs this right now, my back hurts and Yes honey just stay on your side" in that order Ha Ha. Then we went out for like the first time in a million years, and even though the scene was not what we anticipated I still had fun people watching and playing Uno and Pool with my husband. I'm easy to please :-).But I was up too late last night and woke up too early this morning LOL I had a baby shower to help with and now that's all done I'm exhausted. Ugh, I'm going to have to hunt down a sequence of poses that are good for digestion because I've had too much cake LOL Let's see what I can find in that realm. Oh yea and I think I've found a cleanse that will work for now, especially now, I definitely need it LOL

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day one of the Open Mat Journey

So yesterday was not the greatest of days on many levels. Unpleasant attitudes, 100 degree weather, 90% humidity, too much food in one sitting, and not getting to my mat until 10:00 at night. Did  I mention that I am not in the least bit a night owl, UGH....Oh well, at least I opened my mat like I said I would, right? I was completely at a loss for what to really do. This is why I prefer to do yoga in the morning while everyone is still asleep and I can focus. I have yet to train myself to tune the world out if people are up and moving around in the house. And right now my current living arrangements do not allow for a quiet room to be dedicated to me. So I was basically on my mat for about 5 minutes, maybe 10, it was enough to relax me to that I could go to sleep without complete agitation. It also stopped my from saying FML as I made a pallet to fall asleep on. Exhale.............Well I'm off to hit the treadmill for an hour, hopefully that will allow me to start this day in a much calmer manner. Because right now I'm not exactly at peace....maybe I'll take my mat with me too. Let's see how Day 2 goes. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Starting A New Journey

Okay, so I've decided that starting in the morning I'm beginning a 365 day journey. My journey will challenge me to open up my yoga practice for at least 30 minutes everyday. It will not have to be 30 all at once, though I would prefer it, it can be broken up into 2 increments of 15 minutes or 3 increments of 10 minutes. It all will depend on what the day allows me to commit to at the time. Hopefully by the end of my journey I will find a system that works for me and will allow me to practice for 90 minutes each day. I have a book full of poses and favorite fan club on Facebook and a site I follow on Twitter to help me get through enhancing my poses. I feel good and I am focused. Now I need a detox plan to add to the beginning, middle, and the end of this journey. I will be posting my progress here daily, everything from mental clarity to emotional stability to upper body strength to weight loss and ability to hold a handstand.

This will give me a reason to blog daily and something to focus on while I hunt for a new job. Let's hope I don't bore the pants off of everyone LOL

Friday, July 9, 2010


I am SO disappointed in the big business of insurance. Being charged extra money because I'm allergic to Cedar!!!! WTF what kind of sadistic greedy mongrel thought this up? All I wanted to do was be able to see my gyno annually, get my allergy script filled as needed, and be able to see a doc if anything else happens to occur. Then to top it off they're charging me a higher premium because it took THEM a month to complete the process. Again WTF!!!


Okay, I'm fine. I'll be just fine. This is only temporary until our personal situation improves. Thank you Lord for my parents. Thank you Lord for your favor. Thank you Lord for the Blessings that you have coming our way. Hallelujah and Amen.

On a different note, I am ashamed to say that I have only gotten on the floor a handful of times since I've been here. I've tried using a podcast to help guide me through a few Ashtangas. It was alright, that was the only time I did more that 5 minutes. But I don't think I enjoy the instructor all that much. So now I must search through the copious amounts of yoga related podcasts to find the right one for me. Of course I would much rather be in a class, but that isn't in the budget right now *sigh*. I wish my instructor K would start video casting, but she still hasn't decided if that's the direction she's going in. But I can assure you if K chooses to, I will be the first one to promote her and follow religiously. I miss her terribly. Guess I've talked enough, off to study for my content exam and then to stretch in a dolphin pose for a minute. Bye now.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


In desperate need of a  really good Flow class. My emotions, body, and thoughts are all out of wack. Dear God, please get me into to see someone really soon so that I can be on my way to healing and practicing again. Thank You, Amen.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


So my grandmother used to say when you're confused about a moment in life, stand still.
Basically this is because it's hard to navigate yourself down the proper path until the dust settles and you can see. Thing is the dust never seems to settle in my life, and when I feel like it's beginning to someone walks through a kicks it all up again. I never thought that just living a good clean life was supposed to be so difficult and traumatic.....UGH  Oh well guess I'm standing still for awhile longer.

Ummm, I miss my yoga class and instructor!!!! My wrist still hasn't begun to feel any better and my tailbone has gotten so irritated I'm sleeping on the flipping sofa. Le Sigh..... LOL Maybe I can manage a few warrior poses and a Happy Baby or something (tee hee) I've got to get make to a peaceful place AND FAST.....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Zen-Tasting Interrupted

So my search for physical zen has been interrupted due to injuries. I can't really continue my habit for yoga right now because I managed to bust up both my wrist and my tailbone in one fell swoop (or should I say fall). I went skating with my family a week and a half ago and fell straight down on my bum trying to catch myself with my right hand down onto a lovely polished cement floor. Ohhh the constant aching. I still haven't gone to see the Dr. but hopefully this medical insurance will kick in VERY soon so that I can without having to come out of pocket on hundreds of dollars that I don't have. *sigh* You never really notice how important individual parts of your body are until they are unable to add to the union that you've grown accustom to using. I feel debilitated and lost. My body is screaming for a downward dog, but I can't make it happen not a solid one anyway, because my poor wrist (on my dominant hand mind you) won't support it. Oh sweet baby Jesus I just want to be healed so that I can move freely again. By the way, the constant pain aching through my body makes me so exhausted. By the evening all I can do is lay down and fall asleep. My body is so not happy with me right now, ugh......... Oh and so because I can barely move all I want to do right now is EAT, but I can't for multiple reason, at least not like how I want to eat. I wonder how hard it really is to come up with a way to crack the lottery codes because I really need to win right now. I'm not too greedy just one million will put me in a place where I can feel in control of my life again; body fixed, debts paid, future goals lined up, all would be good. Oh well until the dream happens I guess I'll keep ice on my wrist sitting on one "cheek" at a time and studying for my content exams. My peace will come eventually, zen will be achieved.      

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Okay so I've been silent for a very long time around here, mostly because I'm trying to figure my life out still. The teaching thing is still underway and I guess I'm becoming increasingly okay with the idea......I guess..... Anyway I am still completely in love with my yoga instructor K's flow class. I actually get excited about getting up early so I can be in her 8:30 am class. But as they say all good things must come to an end. I regretfully am moving back to Austin *sigh*. I want to stay in the Dallas-Metroplex area so badly, but it can't happen unless one of us gets a job here and SOON. This is one of the reasons that I am actually beginning to look forward to my new career in teaching. My chances of finding a job here are greater than they are in Austin *yesss* because there are so many more districts to apply to. What I'm really hoping for in teaching is a resounding peaceful moment of professional clarity. That working in this field will grant me the insight I need to know "what I want to be when I grow up". Until the fall I need a little part-time something to put some change in my pockets so that I can afford to pay for my exams in July. Maybe someone will be willing to pay me to taste all of their latest food creations and ideas, ahh wishful thinking......... 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wading through the Muck

It seems we all go through upsetting funks in our lives. Many of us find ourselves feeling lonely, dejected, and hopeless. For those of us who believe in a higher power it's often saddening because we feel a bit abandoned. We feel as though we continue to try and live in a favorable manor, doing good in our lives and in the lives of others. But we are still left to be consumed by the demons of desolate wasteland hearts. We're supposed to feel connected to ourselves and then allow the universe to bring in all its offerings to us. Sometimes we so deeply want to feel needed in order to remember our worth that we forget we need us more than anyone ever could. We forget to nurture our minds, to grow our spirits, to strengthen our bodies, or to soften our hearts. Once we've established a new sense of focus in our lives when is it okay to accept love back into our lives? When do we get to feel the quickening heartbeats, the butterflies in the stomach, the day-dreams of forever? When is okay to desire another person's company again? When is it okay to crave that someone's body again? To smell them in your sleep and smile? To taste their lips and hum? To be carried away by passion for this person and get lost in dreams for them? When is it okay for happily ever after to actually turn out just like that.....Happily? When is it okay for others to stop disappointing our hearts? When is it okay to believe that others will stop disappointing our hearts? When does everything align itself and simply create a good existence?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Different Sort of Zen

What do you do when things don't quite turn out the way you imagined them? If you fought so hard for something that by the time you received it you weren't sure if you really even wanted it anymore. Or whether you had been fighting the right fight this whole time. The idea of your triumph is still pleasing, but the battle sucked so much from you that you didn't really have anything left to give for enjoying the fruits of your labor. But if you chose to simply leave the spoils to spoil then you would no longer the hero but suddenly and drastically the villain. You understand that gifts under another tree always sparkle brighter and that your gifts are definitely worth being grateful for so: Do you "fake it till you make it" and stick with the fight you've won? Wait it out until things start to fall apart again and take your opportunity to walk away? Do you walk away immediately and suffer becoming the bad guy in the story? If you wait until it falls apart again what if it takes a decade to do so and your feelings have changed again? Do you fight once more or do you stick to the plan of walking away? How do we ever know if what we're doing is the right thing? Even through all the uncertainty there's still a sense of calm. For the first time, you don't care. Or at least you care way less than anyone else involved, which is still a first. So you've begun to walk around in a euphoric zen-like state where you are fully okay with whatever outcome arises. If it all falls apart, no problem. If it all stays together, how nice. But no more sleepless nights full of nightmares and teeth grinding. All is peace and peace is beautiful. Now that you are not trying to control the outcome of your situations anymore you can understand those who are seemingly happy all the time. You have grasped the true concept of Zen, now all that you taste in this state will be that much more fulfilling. Exhale slowly and enjoy the ride until it stops.   

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am so amazingly bored with my life right now. Not only am I bored, but I am lonely too. Grrrrrr I've been studying for obtaining my teaching certification, but the studying isn't holding my attention long enough to keep me occupied once it gets close to dinner time. My kid is great, but I need an adult to talk to and laugh with. I'm starting to feel like I'm on my own again and that's not good, because I have a brand new outlook on life. I'm not clinging to anything or anyone anymore. I'm going to live a good life, do what I know is right and allow things to happen organically. No more fighting, I'm tired. No more crying, I'm tired. No more questioning, suspecting, assuming or hoping, I'm tired. If I can't have peace of mind in my own home then why live there right? So I'm piecing back together the parts of me that had been shattered and scattered. And everyday more and more of them fall back into their rightful place. So me being Lonely and Bored is becoming dangerous because now I will be more inclined to go out looking to be entertained. Sometimes when you go looking for one thing you find a whole bundle of others. *giggle* But I only have 7 weeks remaining before I relocate back to Austin. Hmmm, not completely sure if I want to go, but why not right? It's not like things are moving steadily along here. Being a stay at home mom is cool when you are not paralyzed by having literally absolutely no money at your disposal, no adult interaction of a positive nature, and no hobbies other than a couple hours to workout in the mornings. I'm totally batty in my head now. ughhh Maybe I'll get a sewing machine for my birthday or something and  learn how to make things LOL who knows

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Profession

Okay all,
So I have decided to embark upon a path professionally that I never really imagined myself doing. I have been given a few nudges in this direction and ample support as I move towards it. What could possibly cause such cause such deep thought and coercion?  Teaching, but not just teaching, teaching High School in Texas. See here's the thing, High School is where the state begins to stop actually caring about the children. They mostly begin to lean more towards throwing standardized tests at the kids and pushing them out of the doors of the schools into the world poorly prepared. The lunches get worse, the teachers more callus, the administration only seeing them as test scores and dollar signs. The students feel this shift as well and begin to react to it. Their attitudes, already fluctuating from hormones, begin to build walls to protect them from people who take little interest in helping them develop as people. And in Texas this is all to evident through the types of extra-curricular offered, or not offered, through the emphasis on teaching the state standardized test instead of the subject's material, through the declining quality of school lunches, and through the vast number of teaching positions open to be filled but the inability to hire the way they both need and want to hire. So if I truly believe that all I written is true then why have I decided to take this venture. Well there are a number of reasons:
1. I am without a job, in need of a job, and can meet the qualifications of this job.
2. I have always tried to share information that I held with others in non-traditional forms of teaching
3. I have a child who is now in school and I would love to work around her school schedule
4. I believe that students can be taught to love learning a subject, but only by a teacher who loves it
5. I believe that I have enough knowledge and passion for science to pass it on to teenagers
6. I also feel that this maybe a good place to sit professionally while I try to "Find" myself

I only hope that I will be able to find the time to continue to progress in my Yoga Practice while I teach. Good thing I live in the Hippie Town of Texas, the kids will be used to an occasional Zen instructor. Well I have a few online courses to complete and my certification exam to register for and pass, wish me luck. I ask The Most High that I am offered a position in a school of my choice this coming Fall. Let's see how this pans out (fingers crossed and meditating breath flowing)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vacation has a way of interrupting things

The link I have connected to this post is a study I came across through @RawNatureBoy on Twitter. It's an interesting read.

Okay, so I've been on vacation visiting my in-laws in Las Vegas since Thursday. We've been having a great time. I didn't walk the strip much this time around, the novelty of the strip wears off after like the 2nd or 3rd visit. But I have wandered the internal grounds of a few casinos. This obviously is not the level of physical exertion I have been putting in at home, but it's something......right? Yea, I think I'm just kidding myself, I've only gotten in one really good yoga session too. Mostly because every time I get on my mat I'm either directly interrupted by my little one or I can't focus on my own from all of the activity in the house. You see my daughter has the amazingly ability to wake up exactly 15 minutes after I have unless I wake up at 4:30 a.m. Right now I'm not quite disciplined enough to get up at 4:30a.m. while on vacation. Plus I really miss my class :( I miss my instructor and her guidance. I'm still in the infancy stage in my practice and I really need leadership. I don't yet feel confident that I am hitting all of my physical marks in a lone session. I know that spiritually I'll meet my needs, but it's not complete if the physical hasn't been met. So I've been reading my Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga to create more peace within myself as I try to supplement my yoga routine. I think it's been working too, I've started to gain this greater sense of clarity in my quest for what to do with the rest of my life. I believe that getting away from home and just relaxing has helped a little as well. But, I'm going to have to take this one step at a time. Which is really difficult because there are so many factors in where my next step comes from, yet so many decisions that have to be made before April is over. Sigh......I'm sure it will all work out. Maybe I'll take a week long Yoga Retreat (overlooking the water) to have my mind, body, and spirit all functioning at optimal level so that decisions are effortless.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taking a Break from 2010 already

This year has been so full of choices and it's only mid-March. My mind is a bit overwhelmed now, but thankfully I get to take a much needed break. We are going to Las Vegas to visit my in-laws.
I know to many people that wouldn't seem like such a fantastic get-away (visiting the in-laws and all) But for me it is very welcomed. I love my in-laws to pieces and I'm going to take this time to connect with my breath, meditate, and just empty my mind for at least 6 of the 10 days that we will be gone. Hopefully when we return I will be rejuvenated and have the focus to make all of the life altering decisions that are awaiting my selection here at home. I have a feeling that my life will begin to reveal itself once I stop trying to hunt it down. For the next 10 days I will dive deeply into my Down Dog, take many Vinyasa, play some BINGO, catch a show or two, and eat some of the greatest food in the Southwest/West Coast Region. So wish me luck and I will be sharing my journey from among the lights of Sin City.  

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just Say No To GMOs

Look alive People, I hope those of you in the US take heed and understand what is going on with our food supply. We have the basic right to not be killed off through our food supply simply because big agriculture has become as corporate as the bank industry. Keep your rights in tact, use your voice and protect yourself. 

Just Say No To GMOs — Join the No-GMO Challenge

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Valentine's Day was pretty cool

So let me start by saying that I only haven't blogged in a couple weeks because I've been trying desperately to get the hang of posting from my cell phone via SMS, but I was unsuccessful. So maybe I will figure this out soon and start blogging like crazy from everywhere in the world :) So now on to the post I been trying to send:

My very thoughtful and supportive husband gave me a customized yoga mat from for Valentine's Day. he chose a picture of our daughter to accompany me as I take my Vinyasa.

The thought was beautiful, the mat is fun and a wonderful length and thickness, with that said I probably wouldn't have put my daughter's face on a mat I use to clear my mind and open my spirit. But it's adorable. The mat feels a little rough under my feet right now, but at least I don't slide around on it. I would prefer if it were more sticky under my feet, but I'm hoping that will come as I use it more. I'm going to try wiping it down with a warm damp cloth in hopes that after it dries that lovely stickiness will develop. I also received 2 new books: Yoga for Women (which I haven't opened yet) and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. So far this book is deeply connecting with me. I'm only through the first 4 chapters right now (Motherhood doesn't allot for a great deal of leisure reading time LOL) But as I progress through it I will keep you updated on the premises of the book. And maybe someone out there can share with me your point of view on the book.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Starting Out

After more than a year and a half of dissatisfaction, I have found a outlet that properly suites me as a person. Yoga. I know it sounds boring to those who have yet to experience Yoga in its truest and simplest form. To those who are not yogis (or aspiring, like me) Yoga may just seem like a series of different pretzel-like move that are unattainable. But I'm learning that Yoga is so much more, it is a culture all its own. That is the best way I can explain it. There are so many different styles to fit different needs. I have been given the gift of a fantastic teacher and she's not even in an official "yoga studio", she's in my local YMCA! How fortunate am I? She is not the only Yoga instructor there, but she is the only one I have practiced with, who radiates the practices of Yoga. Without even knowing her background, after one class with K you can tell that she lives her practice. She didn't just study a book and some DVDs to take a test and call herself a Yoga instructor. She has walked this path for quite sometime, and has allowed it to develop her as a person. At this point I am aiming for the personal development of my own practice. I look forward to learning as much as possible about my body, what it can do, what it can become. I also hope to make an internal connection that will reveal who I am intended to be in my life. I, like many others my age, have no idea What I Want To Be When I Grow Up. In my Zen journey to personal Awareness I shall choose a career that best suits me. Reestablish the persona that was once Ashanti: quiet, peaceful, happy, and full of love. And sculpt a body I will be proud to walk tall in, and take pictures with LOL. Even if this does not prove to be interesting, I am determined for it to prove productive.