Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Valentine's Day was pretty cool

So let me start by saying that I only haven't blogged in a couple weeks because I've been trying desperately to get the hang of posting from my cell phone via SMS, but I was unsuccessful. So maybe I will figure this out soon and start blogging like crazy from everywhere in the world :) So now on to the post I been trying to send:

My very thoughtful and supportive husband gave me a customized yoga mat from for Valentine's Day. he chose a picture of our daughter to accompany me as I take my Vinyasa.

The thought was beautiful, the mat is fun and a wonderful length and thickness, with that said I probably wouldn't have put my daughter's face on a mat I use to clear my mind and open my spirit. But it's adorable. The mat feels a little rough under my feet right now, but at least I don't slide around on it. I would prefer if it were more sticky under my feet, but I'm hoping that will come as I use it more. I'm going to try wiping it down with a warm damp cloth in hopes that after it dries that lovely stickiness will develop. I also received 2 new books: Yoga for Women (which I haven't opened yet) and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. So far this book is deeply connecting with me. I'm only through the first 4 chapters right now (Motherhood doesn't allot for a great deal of leisure reading time LOL) But as I progress through it I will keep you updated on the premises of the book. And maybe someone out there can share with me your point of view on the book.

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