I know it's only been about 9 days since I last wrote, but for some reason it feels as though it's been so much longer. Maybe it's because my last post was short and more apologetic than forthcoming in nature. Life for me is taking some interesting turns these days; a lot of travel for both work and pleasure, plans for future travel, trying to stay on top of my classwork. Since my last full post I have been to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dallas, Texas three times over, and Waco, Texas twice over. To be honest I don't really mind traveling, in fact I love to see new places and experience new cultures. But work travel lately has me going back and forth to the same places and I don't think my personal vehicle is appreciative of the extra mileage. Hmm, maybe I will start renting a car to travel for work. Only trouble with that is even though I get reimbursed I still have to have the money before hand to actually rent the car at the time..... We shall see what I can workout for myself.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Time to Breathe
I know it's only been about 9 days since I last wrote, but for some reason it feels as though it's been so much longer. Maybe it's because my last post was short and more apologetic than forthcoming in nature. Life for me is taking some interesting turns these days; a lot of travel for both work and pleasure, plans for future travel, trying to stay on top of my classwork. Since my last full post I have been to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dallas, Texas three times over, and Waco, Texas twice over. To be honest I don't really mind traveling, in fact I love to see new places and experience new cultures. But work travel lately has me going back and forth to the same places and I don't think my personal vehicle is appreciative of the extra mileage. Hmm, maybe I will start renting a car to travel for work. Only trouble with that is even though I get reimbursed I still have to have the money before hand to actually rent the car at the time..... We shall see what I can workout for myself.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
To Be Continued....
I'm just checking in to let you know I haven't forgotten about you out there. I have been traveling for both leisure and business over the past two weeks and now I am trying to keep from getting sick. Once I am feeling well enough to focus on a whole posting I will tell you all about my trip to Fort Lauderdale, with pictures!
Here's to calm tummies and sound sleep,
Namaste Ya'll
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Hey Ya'll,
I know everyone is finished carving pumpkins by now, but I wanted to share our pumpkin seed roasting success. I read a few different postings from other people on their techniques and found the common tone in successful roasted seeds was low and slow. So that's the route I took.
We managed to get about 3 cups of seeds from our 3 medium and 1 small pumpkins. The most tedious part of the entire process was separating the seeds from the pumpkin guts. It seemed to take forever and created a virtual sensory overload. The smell of wet grassy pumpkin, the feel of sticky slippery stringy pumpkin innards, using the fine motor skills needed to pull each little seed from the confines of the muck. But in the end it was actually fun.
I soaked the seeds in salted water overnight after making sure to carefully wash away any remaining pumpkin first. After soaking I dried the seeds out on a kitchen towel for a few hours tossed them in a bowl with about 2 tablespoons of oil, sea salt, and chili lime seasoning (I felt adventurous). Roasted in the oven at 300F for about 45 minutes, stirring the seeds every 15 minutes.
The seeds came out crisp enough to eat the whole seed instead of needing to shell them first. But what I did find was that some of my seeds were on the verge of being overly toasted on the inside (otherwise known as almost burned). So I think maybe next time my oven will be set to 275, it seems to run a little hot. My seasoning was nice, but my personal tastes would prefer more salt on the seeds. I also thought up more flavors to try, but I don't plan on gutting anymore pumpkins anytime soon.
If anyone knows of a way to Quickly and efficiently shell pumpkin seeds, I would love to know. Shelled pepitas are so versital and I have an idea for a breakfast treat while I have a bag full of seeds in the house now. Next time I'll be reporting back with tales from Florida vacation. Until then...
Namaste Ya'll
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Trick or Treat
Hey Ya'll!
Happy Halloween/Feliz Día de los Muertos/Happy Fall Harvesting
I think those cover my primary basis. I took The Munchkin only partially around the neighborhood this year; mostly because she wanted to be home by dark. Yea I know, but my baby is still scared of the dark, so all the "Tricks" people pull on Halloween are not fun for her. To be honest I was absolutely fine with going home to pass out candy. Especially since the weather made a shift and now we're back to warm humidy air after a lovely week and a half of Fall worthy weather to tease me. (if you can't tell I'm a little bitter about the returning heat)
As you can see in the picture after hitting only a few houses, maybe 15-20, the kiddo collected a rather decent stash for herself. I think now that my generation are the candy passers the selection is getting better. I don't think I saw more than a couple pieces of no name hard candies in the pile. Which leads me to wonder did the candy passers of my youth simply give what they enjoyed as children? Or were they just cheap? As giggle at the thought of some woman saying to herself "why buy the good stuff for kids I don't even know?" I would like to know what you looked forward to finding in your treat bag. I had a small gang of Princesses Power Rangers express their excitment about my house passing out Milky Way candy bars. Without thought and debate about the ethics of the holiday it brings me so much pleasure to see the little ones having so much fun and feeling safe in their neighborhood. As I wrap this up I am contemplating having a Tootsie Pop for breakfast...But I won't, I'll behave.
Namaste Ya'll
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
First Time for Everything
Hey Ya'll,
Here goes, my daughter and I went to the Farmer's Market this past Saturday and we found some lovely green tomatoes (amongst other tasty treats) but I realized that my kiddo up to now has never had fried green tomatoes. The classic Southern side that can be eaten as a meal sometimes. So we took a pint full of firm round light green little lovelies and today I sliced them up, soaked them in buttermilk, seasoned and coated them in cornmeal and pan fries them. Like a good Southern-girl she was instantly in love. The crusty crunchy exterior mingled with the softened slightly tart interior perfectly. At first she questioned the difference between a red tomato and a green tomato. Once she had a taste she understood immediately, that's my girl! I'll have to make sure she gets to experience these more often. After all, I am obligated to develop her young impressionable palate to its fullest capacity. Alright ya'll I hope this post takes, let's see.
Namaste Ya'll
Edited posted: Apparently my picture made my text too large to post on my blog. But posting from my email on my phone worked brilliantly. Namaste Ya'll
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Ultimate Local
So, there were many directions that are available for the Blog Along but I chose to write about eating locally. Now when eating locally is mentioned I immediately think of farmer's markets and hipster cafes that serve seasonal fruit salads and whole grain pancakes with farm fresh eggs. This of course is lovely all on it's own. But I decided to take my eating local experience to the next level, beyond my Go Local Austin card. I decided to bring local eating as close to my table as eating. I decided to start my own vegetable garden. Well, miniature container herb/veggie garden anyway. I made a promise to my daughter that we could try our hand at raising some of our own food, plus I kind of wanted to see if I had what it takes to be a small time farmer. I have actually always kind of dreamed about growing a huge garden (small farm really) and raising a few small animals. Well I figure this is the first step in determining if I have what it takes to live the life of a woman of the land.
I imagine that if everyone, no matter how limited their space, took the time to grow at least a few vegetables of their own they could save money, reduce waste, increase their nutrient options and provide some time in the sunshine taking care of not only the plants but ultimately themselves.When you live in even the poorest of the poor neighborhoods and you have even just a container of soil that can grow a small bunch of carrots to call your own, a ray of light shines down on each day that you get to breath in the pure oxygen produce by your very own personal garden.
Let's talk container gardening and keep in mind this is my first time with anything larger than a Kindergarten bean sprouting project. But, it really felt kind of natural getting my hands in the dirt and transplanting my plants.
![]() |
My first Box of Herbs and veggies |
So the nice young man at the Nursery was really pushing the Spinach today so I took that as a sign that I needed to eat more leafy greens thus my first plants of Spinach and Kale. I also picked up some Sweet Peas because the nice young man showed me how to place bamboo stakes in my container to run the peas upwards and allow for more bushy plants that sit low in the pot.
YAY for Herbs!! I chose Parsley Cilantro and Thyme mostly because they are my favorites and also because apparently they grow really well during this time of year in my neck of the woods. The thyme automatically smelled of my favorite recipe of roasted chicken and rosemary potatoes to me. I was so excited. As we planted the cilantro my daughter asked "May I eat some of the cilantro? It's my favorite." Being from Texas we love our TexMex food and since she had teeth in her mouth my daughter has loved a fresh Filipino-style cucumber tomato salad with cilantro. Needless to say there will be plenty of that this Summer.
So I actually only managed to get one of my 2 containers filled, turns out I needed way more soil than I anticipated. The sweet peas, spinach, kale, and some of the lettuce went into the first container. I will be purchasing more high quality potting soil from the nursery and finishing my second container with my herbs, carrots and remaining lettuce seeds this weekend. But I wanted to share my local eating adventure in time for Food Day.
Last but certainly not least I would like to thank Jeremy who was so much help and had pity on me once he saw me wandering around the nursery lost and unsure of myself. Jeremy helped me understand where to place which plants and how to give them the space they needed to grow. Thank you Jeremy.
Happy Food Day all know where what you eat comes from and try to get it as short a distance from farm to table as possible whenever you can.
Namaste Ya'll
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Unfinished Business
We are currently in a testing bye-week so to speak in classes right now. So at the moment there is no homework and there are no lessons to speak about, just time being given to us to take our first test and get caught up on any work that may have been neglected. Since I last shared about how school was going I have gotten myself all caught up and am feeling accomplished. With not much occurring on the academic front for me for now I will venture into other topics today.
I am fully aware of the fact that there are many, and boy do I mean many, projects in that I have started but never finished. Yoga challenges, Juice cleanses, workout regimens, knitting projects, sewing projects. Heck even my degree is a hodge-podge of courses that originally belonged to the ideas of 4 separate degree plans I once thought I wanted to pursue. Fortunately, the college I went to basically had a generic health degree that I fit into and was able to graduate with rather than run out of financial aid while I tried to find myself. The honeymoon phase of any new job wears-off quickly for me because I have yet to place myself in a role that feeds my soul. My passions are very specific but for some reason I have convinced myself that I could never make a decent living fulfilling them. Well, now I realize the only way I will be successful is to do work that I love and am willing to be part of every single day that I wake up. With anyone who takes the time to read this as my witness I will live my dreams:
I will make food the center of my profession
I will service pregnant women and their babies (maybe I will doula or lactation consult)
I will write again...and enjoy it again
I will live in my dream home on the outskirts of town with my small livestock and my large garden.
I will see the world and speak its languages
And I will share all of these experiences with you all right here. Of course I have started with my IIN journey and will continue the whole way through. Earlier I was a little down on myself for failing to make this blog what I originally set out for it to be; sharing my love for food and my walk into yoga. But then I thought, this blog was never meant to be so one dimensional. This blog was meant to expose my overall journey into peace and into truly loving my life and who I am in this life. I have finally begun to do that. Now is the time to open up and share my food adventures with those of you who choose to stop by and read. My first real food post will be an Eat Out Loud post for Food Day, which is officially October 24, 2012 It will be complete with pictures and descriptive words, the whole nine yards. Thank you all for baring with me as I gain my footing in this sometimes frighteningly open world and learn to love who I am enough to honestly share myself with anyone willing to listen (or read). I look forward to evolving this blog into what it was always meant to be and doing it with love rather than my own impatience for perfection.
To anyone who may actually read this thank you for doing so, until my next exposure.
Namaste Ya'll
Friday, September 28, 2012
Catching up on Homework
So, I promised to keep you posted as I progressed through the IIN program and I intend to keep my promise. As I stated in my last post I allowed myself to slack a bit and fell behind in my lectures and homework. Well things have slowed down at work a bit this week and I am using the lighter workload as an opportunity to multi-task. So as I complete mundane duties at work I am plugged into my lectures to get caught up on the Modules. So in the few modules that I'm floating through I believe I have learned way more about raw food smoothies than I ever thought possible. Also, I think if I hear the exact same"marketing your business" tips again I might scream. I feel as though the exact same information is being beaten into my head every few weeks. I fully understand that these tips are thoroughly important for success in our businesses. But dear goodness! I would really prefer more information about how to get what you want out of life. How to actually BE the person that you want to be in order to feel competent enough to assist others in their journey. I'm only about 1/4 of the way through the program and already I feel as though I could launch a business from the ground up, but I'm not feeling up to par on the plethora of food or lifestyle information that is out there. I am thinking though that all of the business information is so heavily laced into the lessons early on in the program because there is such a big push to begin seeing clients about halfway through the program so that you have an established practice by the time you graduate. I imagine that further into the program the fine tuning of the food information comes more regularly. Don't get me wrong there is PLENTY of information to shuffle through in the supplemental work. It's just not what is being consistently focused on at the moment in the lessons/lectures; I am a bit frustrated with this.
On the upside the daily journal that I am keeping for homework really helps me understand myself a little more with each day. I am more aware of cravings and where I slack in motivation. I am much more aware of why I feel in such a rut with my life and why I seem to always feel lonely. I understand what drives me a bit better and how to successfully reward myself. My life has always been a swirling ball of indecision and the few things I made definitive choices on took me down paths that were difficult to navigate through and drained a lot of life from me. But I am glad that I chose to take part in this program, because I truly believe that if nothing else comes of this I will have a much better understanding of who I am, who I want to be, and then have the courge to actually be everything I want. So, maybe it's not about knowing more about food...maybe it's really all about just knowing yourself better. Now there's food for thought
Namaste Ya'll
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Falling Behind
Namaste Ya'll
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Circles of Minds
Namaste Ya'll
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Journey Begins
So "classes" have officially begun for my Integrative Nutrition program and I am excited, a bit over-whelmed, and ready to get into the meat of it. Right now we are merely getting acclimated with the foundation of the organization. You know, what the mission of the program is, how to get organized, some best practices in setting yourself up for the best experience possible, and most of all for me wrapping your head around how to really put yourself "out there" to gain exposure everywhere you go. This week for me I have tasked myself with getting 2 of my homework assignments completed. I foresee the most difficult part of this style of program for me being the fact that there are very few hard deadlines, it is very "at your own pace". This is both good and bad for me, but I am determined to stay on the positive side.
On another note, I now will have the majority of my weekends to myself and my family once again!! Yay!! No more regular Saturday working for me (of course that's not to say that I won't work any Saturdays again) I plan to become a regular at my local farmer's market gain. Even though most of the good eats stop around October, I'm going to ride this train till the wheels fall off. :-) Also, I think once the heat breaks, which tends to be late September around here, I plan to start organizing our backyard for gardening. I am not certain what I want to plant just yet so I am going to take my time prepping the yard and thinking about what would work best for my tastes as well as lifestyle.
I so look forward to this shift in my life and nurturing the person inside of me that I have suppressed for so long in order to handle business and just do what needed to be done for the family. No more deadened spirit; no more depression; no more dissatisfaction with myself or my life. I am still so very sure that I will become the woman/mother/wife that I always imagined I would be. Only I can turn me into Her and that's what I am doing from here on out. Glory to The Most High!!
Peace and Namaste Ya'll
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Your Mood is My Mood
So, last time we talked I was making the life changing decision to stop wishing and just be the person I imagine myself to be. Remember? Or at least that was the posting in a nutshell. Well, I'm realizing something right now; the people you are closest to have a really profound effect on the way you live your life. For example: my husband has been in this incredibly difficult funk lately and it drags down the entire home's environment. He has been harping on what he doesn't like about his job and what he doesn't have in his life that he is neglecting all of the good things that deserve the attention that he has been focusing his anger/discontent on. I love my husband to pieces but I don't think he realizes just how much his mood affects his family directly. I know I have done my venting here but I left it on the pages and took solace in my family because they were the only things that made me happy at the time. But when my husband is in his funk it is hard not to take it personally because he behaves as though he can't stand to be around anyone other than his friends that share the same hobby interests (video games and poker) I know we all need our outlets but somehow it hurts my feelings a
Peace and Namaste Ya'll
Saturday, July 7, 2012
So I realized something today.... I have never allowed myself to be the Mother I have always wanted to be. I have sent the majority of my poor child's life worked so many hours waiting for the break in the tide that revealed the day where I didn't have to work so hard for our family to make ends meat. I also spent way more years than I would like to admit to closely focused on saving my husband's place in our home. Long story short things were no always beautiful and forever promised. Which I guess like a good woman/wife/etc I did my job because we survived. But I wonder if our child has suffered from any of this. I mean we've baked cookies and taken walks/bike rides and I've seen her performances and been to classroom parties. But I feel as though it's not enough. Mostly because it's not how I always wanted it to be. I want to do arts and craft projects and make her lunch everyday for her like she loves and her favorites breakfasts every morning. I don't want to be too tired to play board games or card games when she's bored. I want to leave amazing memories for her that will last her entire life. Because she is my only child she will have to deal with the death of her parents all alone. Granted I'm sure she will have a family all her own when that point in our lives comes, but it's not the same as having a sibling there who deep in their souls feel the same thing you do. I know, I know, technically I'm an only child as well (or maybe technically I'm not an only child) I have a sister but I was raised as an only child, but I have a blood related cousin who may as well have been my brother growing up who loves my mother just as much as he loves his own mother and visa versa.
So I have made the conscious decision to create the most amazing life for my child from here on out. She will have pictures and memories and keepsakes that will get her through the hardest parts of life when they appear. When she returns home from her summer vacations and school begins my A-game is on and her life will become exactly what I imagined it to be when I chose to bring her into this world. I'm going to teach her to sew (after I teach myself of course), how to cook/bake, how to turn something that appears to be no longer useful into something beautiful or functional, how to appreciate her own culture as well as the cultures of others, How to crave every drop of promise the world has to offer, how to speak other languages (Spanish and Tagalog are the goals, again after I teach myself) and most of all How to enjoy everyday the Most High opens her eyes. Finding myself just living day to day and often times wishing the day away is no longer enough for me. I haven't felt as though I am truly living for the longest time and no one can change that except me. I'm so grateful that I have been given the chance to even come to these realizations and make the changes that will turn my life around rather than it all coming to an end while I was still "waiting for the tide to break". I need to be these things in order to feel like a success, I don't need to work 40+ hours a week in a job that doesn't even feed my soul. Don't get me wrong I'm not quitting my job on Monday or anything but I'm not making it a priority in my life either, at least not until it's a job that is worth adding to the top 10 priorities.
Some things will be for my husband, some things will be for our daughter, but EVERYTHING I choose to do will also be for Me. Learning about food, birth, breastfeeding, traveling, crafting, yoga, cooking, baking, sleeping, sex, shopping, and everything in between that is for them will be for Me. Never in a selfish way but in a self-sustaining way. I am finally beginning to get it; taking care of myself is more than diet and exercise, it's making sure I get everything I need to love my life. Hope each of you finds exactly what you need as well.
Peace and Namaste Ya'll
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Peace and Namaste Ya'll
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Setting Goals, Classes & New Jobs?
Okay so after all of my whining I put my big girl panties on and refocused. I have reorganized a new health challenge at work. I failed to reach any of my goals on the first challenge and found myself feeling like a failure. What I learned is that I was focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time. I needed to reconnect with myself as a person and really understand what I wanted and devise a plan to obtain my desires. I also realized I was exhausted and needed something to be relinquished. Which brings me to my Summer time endeavors. My child will be gone for the Summer visiting her grandparents which really allows me the chance to focus on myself. I definitely need to be able to do exactly that for a few months and develop some really beneficial habits. In addition to having the time to to dedicate to my body I will also have the time to dedicate to my mind. Classes at IIN will begin for me in July and I hope to be able to document my experience here with ya'll as I complete the program over the next year. I am looking to really open this practice up into something that will combine nicely with my future birth support practice.
For more immediate relief I have been informed that a different role within my company is expected to open up sometime soon. It would be familiar yet new for me, which will really help me wade out my last few years with the company while I complete all of my certifications and build my practice. So, I have taken a deep cleansing breath in...and now I wait for the relieving complete exhale. The Most High has my back so I know it's coming!
Peace and Namaste Ya'll
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Root of My Frustrations
Okay, that may be a bit melodramatic, but I definitely do not love the work that I do. I had such high hopes for this job, but it's too many client in too short of time. Everyone needs so much help and there is only so much to go around. In the end I also feel that we do the community a disservice by making things so "easy" for them. Rather than really and truly teaching them or even in some cases using "tough love" to show them how to take their health into their own hands. I sick of having to serve so many people who are unhappy in their lives also. They drain the life from me. I want to work with people who are satisfied, happy even, in their life. Who want to be where they are at that time and are actively making conscious decisions to do what is best for them by coming to see me. The hours I work are not fantastic, and the pay is not comparable to the stress.
But I don't know how to make enough money to keep our families finances in order doing something that I will actually love. It seems I will need to either sacrifices time and desire for money, or money for happiness. Unfortunately, my husband has been unable to launch himself back into his direct career field so his portion of the family income is much less than it used to be. So it is not really possible for me to just leave and build from scratch. *le sigh* I can't give up, apparently that's what I have been doing which is why I have been hiding in my plates. I just need help!! I need help move on to the next stage. I need help feeling like I have a chance to be happy here. I need help finding a way to survive transitioning. I need help becoming happy again.
Sorry about all the whining lately. I'm just a little lost and could really use some direction and quickly. *shrug* Oh well, I'm sure it will happen. The Most High never fails.
Namaste Ya'll
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Primary Foods
Namaste Ya'll
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Good Decisions Good Vibrations
So remember when I wrote last time about really cutting back on eating land animals and doing my best to eliminate processed foods. Well, apparently it really is what seems to work best for me. This allows me the most freedom in my diet with the greatest results. I don't feel deprived and I actually got a complement today. Someone (outside of the home) noticed that I have looking pretty darn good these days. I really needed that complement to recharge the old self-esteem batteries. Now I know I can survive the massive amount of eating out that is about to happen while we go on vacation. I think I want to change up my workout routine, but I'm nearly finished with Jillian Michael's Body Revolution so I may as well complete the program. Then I think I'm ready for my yoga practice to open itself up again. Sometimes you just have to change things up in order to remember how much you appreciate the way things were.
Side Note: I think I just may begin to post pics of stuff on here to keep things interesting. Everyone loves visuals these days right? Hmm
Namaste Ya'll
Friday, April 27, 2012
Lent this year
In my last post I said that I would discuss my diet during Lent. This year I chose to embark on a vegan fast. I learned a lot about myself. I learned that there is some sort of dairy or animal fat in virtually every manufactured food on the market unless specifically stated as vegan. Which to honest, I wasn't exactly surprised by.What I was surprised by were the types of cravings I had. The first 2 weeks were not bad at all, I had to turn down pizza and did so without great difficulty. I ate my veggies and made a couple new meals for myself and brought back some old favorites. But about halfway through Lent I found that I had an increasingly strong desire for primarily two things. The first food item: Cheese, I love cheese of all kinds. Cheddar, Havarti, Provolone, Mozzarella, Colby, etc. and my love for said food really solidified the fact that a purely vegan diet just is not in the cards for me at this point in my life. *shrug* The second food item, was more of a collections of foods: Seafood. My family knows I love seafood, and the only reason I don't eat more of it is because I live in land-locked Central Texas so it tends to get pricey. With that being said after Easter I kind of went...ugh...left field with my eating habits to say the least. That was nearly 3 weeks ago, now that my body feels like yuck all over again I'm choosing to change my planning process with my meals. This week I managed to make lunches for the whole week for both myself and my husband. Actually I got carried away with it and had plenty pre-made for a couple dinners and most of my daughter's lunches too. Guess my zeal was good for everyone. I'm off to Costco to get some seafood for the up coming week's meals and more veggies. I'll be back to talk about something else later. I think I'd like to share my growth in the world of holistic living and natural products as I continue. Maybe others will learn from the mistakes I've made along the way. As always.....
Namaste Ya'll
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Overcoming Failing...or the Fear of...
Namaste Ya'll
Friday, February 17, 2012
Yoga Challenge Day 9 of 21
I am still making my way through my Yoga Challenge, it seems to be more of a challenge to make sure I write about it everyday. What I would really love is to be able to afford classes again. Yoga classes are just beyond my financial bracket right now, especially with the kid taking gymnastics more seriously and the hubby beginning to take on boxing. Yet again my desires my be met at home or cast off into the shadows. Maybe I can find a studio that will allow me to take classes on a barter system. Maybe I have skill that a studio may be able to use.
Speaking of skills, leading into work...I need a new career, a new LIFE. I'm immensely bored, maybe annoyed, or maybe saddened by my life right now. Don't get me wrong I'm still so very grateful to even have a job, because there was a time when I did not have one and felt as though I would never find a job. I'd much rather stay where I am than ever feel the fear of such uncertainty and financial struggle as that again. But is it so wrong to want to like your job? Is it so wrong to actually both believe in what you do AND enjoy doing it. I believe in the mission of the organization that I work for, but I do not believe in disorganization, inefficiency, or coddling adults who are fully capable of learning, thinking, and doing the right thing for their own lives. Plus I'm DONE with the very people who I am trying to help out giving me attitude as if I owe them anything else. I want to work with people who actually WANT to be present.
Okay, enough of that, a better existence is just around the corner. I can see the gold glimmers of hope and change and they're drawing me near like a moth to a flame. I have faith that I'm smart enough now to not get burned.
Namaste Ya'll
P.S. If you know of any skill trading yoga studios in Austin, TX throw me a name and I will graciously give them a call.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Yoga Challenge Day 2 of 21
So today I completed 60 minutes of mat time at 5:00am for my second day of my Yoga Challenge. I'm proud of myself for rolling out of the bed, but goodness am I SLEEPY. I did have a little issue this evening with my eating. When I'm tired and struggling to keep going I have a tendency to eat to keep myself alter. (Bad habit I know, I'm trying to break it) But I got out voted on dinner tonight and we ended up at Rudy's BBQ *smh* like a good (or bad) TX girl I have a real weak spot for brisket. So as you can imagine I overindulged a little. But I have been good pretty much all week and I've gotten an hour of exercise a total of 4 days this week. So I think I should be okay as long as I keep it together this weekend. Just consider this evening's dinner as my one cheat day today. Just keep swimming, right?
I'm at a place in my dvd where I know what's next and can now focus on matching my breath up with my movement rather than trying to pay attention to what the next pose is. I've been thinking, since Lent is coming up very soon I'm in need of a fast to take part in to serve The Creator. Since I've already cut out most junk food and don't each much red meat I need something that will really resonate with me. I've been considering either mixing smoothies twice a day or juicing again. I know, I know, the first time I tried the juice cleanse I was kind of...well...miserable. But sometimes it just takes trying something a couple times before getting the hang of it. I honestly wish I had the ability to take a month to myself with no other responsibilities where I could just focus on cleansing and yoga. But since that isn't feasible at this point in my life I will figure out a way to incorporate this into my current lifestyle somehow. I'm sure I can figure it out this time, mostly because I really need to. Not so much for my physical health but for my mental health. I'm in desperate need of feeling good about myself again. I still have 12 days to decide what my fast will be this year. Hmm, I could use a new blender either way. Why pass up a reason to go shopping? LOL
If there's anyone out there, thanks for reading
Namaste Ya'll
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Yoga Challenge Day 1 of 21
s/n I need to hurry up and begin my graduate program so I can hurry up and graduate and begin my new career, this is for the birds!
But on another note, I feel determined to complete this challenge. My preparations for success in this are helping. Eating lighter definitely makes it easier to feel like moving the next morning. Plus getting up at 5am means I don't even have to fuss with the dog until I'm finished because she's basically still asleep until 6am. Let's see how still feel about this at day 14. I'll probably be crossing the "annoyed threshold" and tip-toeing in to the realm of habit. Well, only time will tell. No matter how I feel about it at any stage, the whole point is to push through and not give up for once.
Thank you all, who ever you may be.
Namaste Ya'll
Monday, February 6, 2012
Side tracked by the Super Bowl
1. Eat lighter, when I don't feel heavy or stuffed to the gills I am much more likely to move my body more.
2. Prepare my yoga dvd at night so that I can practice in the morning more readily. (Push play and go)
3. Use my time on the mat to speak to The Most High, I typically spend time speaking to God as I prepare for bed but if I add an additional time to focus more on hearing Him I feel I can serve Him better.
4. Don't be so ridged in my mat time schedule. (my work/life schedule changes daily, I need to allow my mat time to be flexible and adjust accordingly)
5. Have sex with my husband more often...when we spend more physical time together it's like a battery charge for me and the following day is that much easier to get through.
6. Remind myself that I WANT to do this, even though I may be sleepy or grumpy or angry or sad or lonely or feeling just plain old lazy...I actually WANT to do this. I WANT to be a person who practices daily. I WANT to feel free within my own body. I WANT to be able to say that I have an actual practice.
I just have to remind myself that not completing this Challenge will leave me feeling incomplete. I want to do this, I want to succeed in this mission. I want to come out on the other side transformed. I want yoga to become a permanent part of my daily living. It shall come to fruition
Namaste Ya'll
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Seems As Though This Is Turning Into a Fail Blog
So now all I need is a consistent workout regimen, I've gotten my eating habits under control and finally have the support of my husband due to his health concerns. So now I'm ready to add a workout routine to my everyday life. Now I believe I am ready to follow through with a self inflicted 21-Day Yoga Challenge. I've heard it takes 20 days to form a habit so at day 21 I figure I will have my body craving the softness of my mat on the bottom of my feet. I think even if I'm only on my mat for 30 minutes it will be better than not doing anything at all. I don't really want to substitute yoga for anything else. Yoga is what I love and what I want to become really good at, and I think I really can if I can remember to just suck it up now so that I won't have to suck it in forever.
I know I've given myself a yoga challenge before and announced it on here, and at that time in my life I was transitioning from some very traumatizing situations that yoga helped me through but I just didn't have the time to myself, the space, or the resources to continue with my challenge and it ended up falling by the waist-side. So here are my guidelines for myself:
I must complete a series of yoga poses at least once a day.
The time on my mat must add up to at least 30 minutes a day in order to qualify
The time does not have to completed all at once, I may break it up into segments if needed due to time constraints.
The Challenge will begin February 9th and end February 29th
Of course there will be an end to the actual challenge, but the goal is to have created a habit that I don't ever end. I have to believe in myself and love myself enough to go through with this. I have to find a way to walk the path that is meant for me into the life that will make me shine. I have found some inspirations for my aspirations and now must begin the perspiration (hehe). Okay, but seriously, I'm kind of excited about this though I do wish I had someone to walk on this journey with me. But I guess this is probably something I need to do on my own. No one can turn me into a yogini without me putting in the work, but I can become a yogini without someone there constantly. Okay enough talk, I'll be back tomorrow to discuss my prep techniques, maybe one day someone will care.
Namaste Ya'll