Friday, April 27, 2012

Lent this year

Hey Ya'll,
In my last post I said that I would discuss my diet during Lent. This year I chose to embark on a vegan fast. I learned a lot about myself. I learned that there is some sort of dairy or animal fat in virtually every manufactured food on the market unless specifically stated as vegan. Which to honest, I wasn't exactly surprised by.What I was surprised by were the types of cravings I had. The first 2 weeks were not bad at all, I had to turn down pizza and did so without great difficulty. I ate my veggies and made a couple new meals for myself and brought back some old favorites. But about halfway through Lent I found that I had an increasingly strong desire for primarily two things. The first food item: Cheese, I love cheese of all kinds. Cheddar, Havarti, Provolone, Mozzarella, Colby, etc. and my love for said food really solidified the fact that a purely vegan diet just is not in the cards for me at this point in my life. *shrug* The second food item, was more of a collections of foods: Seafood. My family knows I love seafood, and the only reason I don't eat more of it is because I live in land-locked Central Texas so it tends to get pricey. With that being said after Easter I kind of went...ugh...left field with my eating habits to say the least. That was nearly 3 weeks ago, now that my body feels like yuck all over again I'm choosing to change my planning process with my meals. This week I managed to make lunches for the whole week for both myself and my husband. Actually I got carried away with it and had plenty pre-made for a couple dinners and most of my daughter's lunches too. Guess my zeal was good for everyone. I'm off to Costco to get some seafood for the up coming week's meals and more veggies. I'll be back to talk about something else later. I think I'd like to share my growth in the world of holistic living and natural products as I continue. Maybe others will learn from the mistakes I've made along the way. As always.....
Namaste Ya'll

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