Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Overcoming Failing...or the Fear of...

So after my epic failure of my 21 day Yoga Challenge (I only managed to complete 12 consecutive days) I took on the Jillian Micheal's Body Revolution challenge. Apparently what I need right now is to have someone else map out the routine and everything for me right now until I fully get my mojo back. I am pleased to say that I have successfully made it halfway through the program. Only 6 more weeks left to finish this 90 day challenge and I'm doing GREAT!! I'm so proud of myself. I roll my sleep head out of the bed every morning, 6 days a week, and workout at the butt crack of dawn. It starts my day with a burst of power and even though by the end of the day I am so ready for bed, I feel much better about myself. Slowly but surely I am beginning to feel like myself again. I have not given up on Yoga, I don't think I ever could, in fact I still find myself randomly posing when my body speaks to me. But as I've said before I really do better when I have an instructor to correct me and allow me to follow their energy. My goal is to have a consistent home practice all my own, but I am acknowledging that right now is not the time. Right now I am choosing to focus on reclaiming my body and my eating habits. I talk about those another day. Today I just wanted to say move it or lose it has so much more meaning to me now. I am choosing to move it because I know what it feels like to lose it and I never want to feel like that again.
Namaste Ya'll

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