Wednesday, September 18, 2013

180 in 180 Day 145

Hey Ya'll,
Today has been slightly emotional for me, in other words my Zen is off center. I know that it's mostly due to the fact that I'm missing certain people in my life and old surroundings. BUT new can be could, in this case it was necessary, and it does not have to be permanent. Also I found myself thinking more about the physical changes that have, more like have not, occurred during the last 145 days. Yes there have been some changes but not nearly as many as I am aiming for, so I started to get a little down for a nano second. Then I remembered that this journey was about so much more than just my body. This journey was about my entire life and now that my life is turning around everything else is following. And to be honest much more quickly now than ever before. I have so much more to look forward to in my life than I thought would actually be possible. Literally one event after the other and I'm fighting tooth and nail to be my best for each and every one.
My meals today involved the Dutch Chocolate Achieve for both breakfast and dinner as usual. Lunch on the other hand was a bit heavy... *Note to self - stop eating my mother's leftovers for lunch if I want things to move along more quickly.*

Lunch - I felt like I hadn't eaten in days this afternoon, double cardio day is not my friend and I practically counteracted it this afternoon:
Sauteed cabbage, Mac n cheese, Grilled Tilapia, and Cornbread
 Food and body image issues aside, physically, I feel great. Spiritually I feel lighter. Mentally, the clouds are steadily lifting. I asked for my life to be better and it is so much better now than it was 145 days ago. I don't know what these last 35 days have in store for me but I'm going full force until the clock runs out on this journey. Then maybe I'll start up another more specific journey to embark on. But until then I'm getting as much out of this as possible. Do you have any specific ideas for further turn around in your life?

Peace & Namste Ya'll

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