Tuesday, September 17, 2013

180 in 180 Day 144

Hey Ya'll,
Today has been odd, not bad not good just a bit odd. I literally woke up with a smile on my face this morning with no understanding as to why. But I chose not to question it and simply kept smiling. I briefly text chatted with one of my favorite people and even though we didn't say much to each other today it was still enough. I asked a lot of questions about a potential profession and I've spent most of the day processing what I've learned. I wanted to die during my workout but after it was finished I lived. I felt famished today and ate a little more than intended, but I have no guilt or shame in it because it was what I needed today and it could have been so much more shameful.

Dutch Chocolate Achieve by Zrii
Leftovers from my share of dinner last night that I did not consume
Brown rice w/ gravy, green beans, corn, and baked chicken
Mid-Day snack and Evening Meal:
Accell metabolism drink mix for Mid-day snack
Dutch Chocolate Achieve by Zrii for evening meal
Dinner with my family:
When we got home this evening I was still famished and dinner was already finished and smelling amazing. So I snagged a small plate to offset the hunger pangs. 
Cabbage, fried Okra, Tomato, and Onion
As you can see my eating could have been better, but it also could have been worse. I had some more detailed thoughts about what my goals are personally and professionally. Right now I find myself sitting more quietly (even praying softer and less feverishly) so that my spirit and heart is still enough to hear all of my answers. So I will continue to sit still and breath. Taking one step at a time as they rise from the ashes for me.

What strategy are you using to find the path meant for you?
Peace & Namaste Ya'll

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