Friday, May 9, 2014

Lazy lunches

Hey y'all,
Today was a bit rushed and I was beyond hungry when I got back to the house. So instead if cooking, I did what I often times do. I turned leftovers into something new. 
I try to keep a couple bags of salad kits in the fridge. They're usually really tasty and depending on which ones you pick up you can eat an entire bag for anywhere between 300 - 450 calories. 

I threw a few ounces of chicken breast into the mix to balance out the meal. This took all of 3 minutes to throw together. And it only took that long because I nuked the chicken for a minute in the microwave. 
Eating good food doesn't have to require a ton of prep or even much actual cooking. What are your go to quick fix meals? 
I'm ready to hit a heavy Netflix binge for the next couple of days. So I'll catch y'all on the otherside of my Army Wives season. 
Peace and Namaste Y'all 

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